Word Scramble

    You go to a door in the wall of Great Hall. You see a mousewive scolding a dibbun. You spin around but before you can run away from an early bedtime, the mousewive calls you. "Come back here, dibbun. Young Figgle here has messed up lots of Old Friar Butty's words. Figgle was writing while Butty dictated to him. I know you're good at writing, so I'll give you 3 candied chestnuts for each muddled up word you unscramble." This Month Figgle has muddled up words from Marlfox .Send your answers to Figgle's mother here

1. lercoikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2. zone yeti web sgefseaaaaaaaaaaaaa 3. raolfxm

a4. best cae ikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa5. pled powaaaaaaaaaaaaa6. nalrut

7. tubtyaaaaaaaaa8. darnflon bug areaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa9. rim god mob fwie

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